Friday, January 27, 2012

Life Without Interference

Right now
Your heart is beating
Your lungs are taking in air
Filtering it through capillaries
To your bloodstream
Swapping it for carbon dioxide, and expelling it out

You are healing wounds,
Growing hair
Laughing with your friends
Telling bad jokes
Converting food into chemicals your cells can use for fuel
Millions of actions and reactions
Happening simultaneously

Your central nervous system coordinates it all!
The order
The timing
The synergy
This happens within you
Whether you are conscious of it or not.
Do you have to tell your heart to beat
Or your lungs to breathe?

Your nervous system
The master controlling, ever-coordinating system in your body is protected by
Your bones.
The skull surrounds and protects your brain
The spine surrounds and protects your spinal cord
Your spinal cord relays information from your brain
To every cell in your body

And back again
Keeping them all in synch with each other.
What happens if coordinating information that travels along the nerves is stopped
Or meets interference?
Can all the parts work together? Or do they go off and do their own thing?

When the bones of your spine are out of place and create pressure
The muscles around them spasm and create pressure
Chemicals get released and
Irritate your nerves
What happens to the messages that run up and down?
Are they garbled?
Are they silent?

The joints of the spine must be working properly and be in the right relationship to your central nervous system so that all of who you are can be coordinated properly, can heal and function as you were meant to. When you come and get adjusted you are helping your body heal the structures and remove the interference to your body’s communication system that’s getting in the way of your best health. 
Live life without interference!

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