Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Start Somewhere

This year I plan to talk a lot about restoring health and wellbeing. Partly because it’s the journey I am on personally, and partly because I see so many people around me that are either working on the same thing, or who feel discouraged about it. One of the things I’ve discovered about making changes in your health, is that it doesn’t matter where you start, but it’s important to start somewhere.

One of the main perspectives of chiropractic is that our bodies have an inherent ability to be well, to heal and rejuvenate. I have seen this borne out time and again both personally and professionally. So never fear! If you’re alive, chances are you have the capacity to improve your health situation.

The subject of healing is huge, because there is not only a range of physical health to consider, but also mental, emotional and spiritual health as well. I’ve seen people improve their lives by starting in any one of these areas and following it all the way through. By that I mean, they might start by focusing on their emotional wellbeing by going to a counselor or psychiatrist, or whatever they find is necessary to feel balanced emotionally. Becoming balanced emotionally shows them other problems they had been unaware of, and now see more clearly since they are feeling better. If a person starts to feel better emotionally, chances are they’re going to want to feel better physically, so they might find themselves making changes to their diet and how they exercise etc.

I think most of us start with whatever is “yelling at us the loudest”, by that I mean, our biggest problem. Since I’m a chiropractor, I see lots of people whose “loudest” problem is back or neck pain. When they come in to resolve that problem through chiropractic adjustments, they may begin walking to help support the muscles surrounding their spinal column, and as a result, begin to lose weight. This in turn helps their diabetes. You get the picture.

It's all connected, and any positive thing you do for yourself will have a positive impact on all areas of your health and wellbeing, whether you keep all your New Year’s resolutions or not. So go ahead and start somewhere that feels “do-able”. Whether its tackling your biggest health problem, or making a small change in your daily habits, every good thing you do for yourself is never lost, and will help you on every level.

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