Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Have You Tried Massage?

    If you are looking for a way to positively impact your health, consider a massage. Everyone is trying to find ways to stay healthy and feel better, and I’m here to tell you this is one of the best ways I know. You don’t have to give anything up or reduce anything or change anything about yourself (except you might have to be willing to feel great. I have actually known a few people who weren’t but they’re very few and far between!)

    Massage therapy is the manipulation of muscles, tendons, and fascia (both deep and superficial) in the body to promote healing and wellbeing. There are many different styles, focusing on creating different effects, but they all have the same general purpose.

    Specific benefits of massage include musculoskeletal pain relief, decreasing anxiety associated with temporary issues, and decreasing blood pressure and heart rate. Done on a regular basis, it can help with managing chronic pain, and help decrease a person’s susceptibility to anxiety and depression.

    One of the things I like best about massage is that it’s one of those things you can do for yourself that is not only good for you, but feels great. The benefits from even one treatment are long lasting, so getting a massage once a month or so can benefit your health and make you feel better all month long.

    Dean Copeland, LPN, LMT is the Massage God at our clinic. I used to call him the massage therapist, but that name seems so inadequate when compared to how I felt when I got off the table after the last massage he gave me. It was like having a new body, or remembering what my body used to feel like when I was a kid. He knows many different techniques and he was good at listening to me when I told him about how I was feeling and what I wanted. He did nothing that was jarring or harsh. So I’m a Big Fan.

    There are lots of things in life that feel good but aren’t good for you (I’m sure you know what those are!!!!), but this is one thing that feels wonderful and improves your life at the same time. Kind of a “No-Brainer”.

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